Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle

Guillotine Guys (Short)

Grade : B+ Year : 2010 Director : James Ricardo Running Time : 7min Genre : ,
Movie review score

The short film “Guillotine Guys” is short, sweet, and simple. We first see an old man who is working at a convenience store. A younger man pulls a gun on him from the other side of the glass that separates them. As for what happens next, well I’ll let you watch the film yourself to see. Writer-director James Ricardo doesn’t have big ideas in store but a simple morality tale of right and wrong. Watching it is pretty fun. Ricardo doesn’t use a lot of dialogue, but he has some clever images on the brain, and he has a story that doesn’t require a lot of dialogue. The result is an enjoyable seven minutes that doesn’t need a lot said about it.

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