Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle

Jumper (Short)

Grade : A- Year : 2020 Director : Jeremiah Kipp & Jennifer Plotzke Running Time : 9min Genre : ,
Movie review score

“Jumper” is a dramatic reading of a play by Susannah Nolan, but- as performed by the actors, and directed by Jeremiah Kipp during quarantine over Zoom- it feels like a documentary. We see the major players (Amy, Amy’s father, Amy’s husband, Amy’s sister, a metro worker, and a handful of commuters) as they recount the events leading up to a tragedy on the subway tracks. We learn of the birth of a new baby, the emotions that brings up, and the circumstances of each of the commuters that led them to be there that day. The setting makes it feel like a very different experience than it would on stage, or done as a conventional film, so we are left with the actor’s dramatic chops to have us engaged by the narrative. They succeed admirably in doing so, and the emotions come through.

Jumper from Bob Celli on Vimeo.

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