In 1996, I started writing about movies, doing little 100 word writeups for a reader section of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. I got my first of these published in the AJC in 1997 (by the time the feature ended in 2000, 62 had been published). In ’97-’98, my mother and I toyed with the idea of […]
Last year, I decided to start a weekly blog, entitled “A Movie a Week.” Inspired by Roger Ebert’s “Great Movies” series and AICN’s Quint’s “A Movie a Day” (and later, “A Movie a Week”) series, I decided to look at older movies in my collection. Some, I had wanted to write about for a while […]
In all honesty, I’ve been working on this for about half the decade now; the funny thing is, so many of these films stuck so long- a true sense of their worth. For me, the best films of the past decade- the first of the 21st Century, one that has seen filmmaking (and film watching) […]