Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle

This is turning into an interesting project.

So the goal over the past two days was make significant process in filming “Baron Wasteland: Littered With Failure- The Career of Baron Brian von Skutle.” How significant? Well, let’s just say enough that I’d be able to begin editing the first two chapters of this seven-part series.

Does it go without saying that didn’t happen?

It’s all good, though- I started thinking about a lot of different aspects of the filming, and bottom line, I’m clearer about how to do this than I was before.

First of all, thanks to both Mathew Timms (who brought a lamp for lighting that proved most helpful) and Ronnie Haynes for their help today. Be ready in a couple of Mondays to continue work guys. Yes, Mondays are turning into the big filming day on this project…for now at least.

The weather on Sunday and Monday didn’t help me by being less-than-desirable for some outside shooting I want to do (hopefully the next couple of weeks will allow that to happen). And my mother not feeling good led to me having to axe her filming. A couple of weeks should bode better for that.

As for what I did get done, well, let’s just say there’s a big reason rehearsals are important. We set out to film the Baron’s interview segments for the film’s fifth chapter- which was written by Mat- which, well, had me all marble-mouthed and doing take-after-take to get the right tone down. In the end, however, I do have some pretty good takes to choose from. Hopefully it’ll result in some pretty entertaining moments. Mathew and I also got a number of little inserts and such filmed. I’m really looking forward to putting this together.

Well, that’s about it for today’s film blog. As the weeks have gone on, I’ve gotten more and more excited about this film, and what it could potentially be. Not sure when I’ll be able to put a trailer out, but I will give you some tastes of dialogue and moments along the way (starting with the one below). And if all goes well, I look very much forward to being able to submit the first chapter to Dragon*Con’s Short Film Festival, which will take place during the Atlanta Con’s Labor Day festivities. Wish us luck…

…we’re gonna need it.


“Birth of a Nickname”

INT. Recreation Room

The camera fades in on Baron Brian von Skutle, still in Napoleonic garb, as he’s sitting in the director’s chair, with him facing straight into the camera.

So over the years I’ve had many a nickname. There were some people who would sarcastically refer to the fact that as defined, the word “scuttle” means “to sink a ship.” And then, of course, there are the people who took the leap from my last name to Skittles, in reference to the candy. The list has grown substantially over the years.

Cut to crawl of various nicknames & derisive comments made over the years. The names move quickly. Cut back to Brian, extreme close-up on face.

Back in 2005, however, a curious addition was made. I had been stuck working at a movie theatre as a projectionist. One day, our general manager took out some plastic-toy lemurs we’d been giving out, and, well, the rest is history.”

Thanks for reading,

Brian Skutle

Click here to read my first “Baron Wasteland” Production Diary.

Click here to read my latest entry in my “Unwinnable Hand” Production Diary.

Click here to read “Red Cup Mafia,” another short script I wrote in November 2006- inspired by some recent happenings at work- that I hope to film in the future through Cinema Nouveau Productions.

Categories: News, News - General

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