Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle

Hello one and all. I hope that 2010 has been going well for you in the first few months of the year, and as always, you may feel free to request off of this list at anytime, and I will honor your request. This year has seen a rejuvenation in my creative output. Yes, I’ve […]

Categories: News, News - Music

Anytime one gets a chance to reference Spinal Tap, one must take it. The song in this blog’s subtitle is one of the group’s funniest. So, over the past week I’ve been taking some vacation time from work. (‘Cause you know, starting movies is oh so exhausting…) Among my accomplishments was getting a clearer idea […]

Categories: News, News - General

Happy April Fools Day everyone. Is it just me, or does it seem like Warner Bros.’ release of the 3-D version of “Clash of the Titans” feel like an April Fools joke? (Haven’t seen the 3-D version, but what I’ve heard doesn’t inspire confidence.) Well, today I’d like to present my newly updated “Movie 250” […]

Categories: News, News - General