Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle

If you love film, you likely have been to a repertory screening at some point in your life. The chance to watch an older movie, on the big screen, with a crowd as in love with the opportunity to watch a movie in theatres, maybe for the first time, or maybe to recapture that sense […]

Hello readers and listeners! It’s now 2025, and time for a new year on the podcast. To start off the year, we add one more film to the “Class of 1999” series with the sci-fi comedy, “Galaxy Quest”. Joining me in appreciating this film’s warmth, hilarity and adventure is Robert Yaniz Jr. of Crooked Table […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

It’s that time of year again when the winners of the Georgia Film Critics Association awards are announced. I’ve seen more of our nominees (and winners) than I have in previous years, and there’s a lot going on with these selections. Here are the nominees, what won, and my thoughts as a voting member. I […]

Categories: News, News - General