Smoke (Short)
The short film “Smoke,” from Polish writer-director Grzegorz Cisiecki, is a film that I think David Lynch would be proud of. Without words, Cisiecki puts us into the mind of a man whose mind has gotten away from him. We first see him in a lonely room as he turns on a tape recorder. Is he recounting the images we see, or is it just a device to get the film’s surreal tale underway? You’d have to ask the director that; whether he would answer is another story. As for myself, I appreciated simply watching the film, appreciating the imagery and sound design that go hand-in-hand as the film progresses, and attempting to piece the images together for myself in trying to get at its secrets. I’m not quite there yet, but I wouldn’t mind watching it a few more times to see if I can get there. Check it out below and see how far you get.