Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle

When I first covered the Women in Horror Film Festival back in 2020, before it became the Renegade Film Festival, I did not expect the community I’d find, and the sense of the unexpected, and belonging that the festival provided. By the time I finished covering it in 2022 and 2023, I knew for sure […]

Categories: News, News - General

The American experiment with Democracy is in a perilous place with the re-election of Donald Trump. Art, and cinema, is inherently political by virtue of the time it was made, as well as the time in which we watch it. In the first episode of what will be a miniseries for the Sonic Cinema Podcast, […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

If you love film, you likely have been to a repertory screening at some point in your life. The chance to watch an older movie, on the big screen, with a crowd as in love with the opportunity to watch a movie in theatres, maybe for the first time, or maybe to recapture that sense […]

Hello readers and listeners! It’s now 2025, and time for a new year on the podcast. To start off the year, we add one more film to the “Class of 1999” series with the sci-fi comedy, “Galaxy Quest”. Joining me in appreciating this film’s warmth, hilarity and adventure is Robert Yaniz Jr. of Crooked Table […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

It’s that time of year again when the winners of the Georgia Film Critics Association awards are announced. I’ve seen more of our nominees (and winners) than I have in previous years, and there’s a lot going on with these selections. Here are the nominees, what won, and my thoughts as a voting member. I […]

Categories: News, News - General

It feels like every year since 2020 has been, “How is the box-office recovering post-COVID?” I think a big part of that is with how many massive films have seemed to underperform over the past few years. In 2023, it was a blood-letting, where surefire hits faltered, and some of the biggest hits over-performed relative […]

Categories: News, News - General

I need to get this series back on track. When I changed up this series in 2020, I was not anticipating the pandemic, and not working for most of the year. Now that I have changed jobs, I’m finding maintaining two movies a month to be a tricky business. Part of that is because of […]

We wrap up the Sonic Cinema Podcast for 2024 with an episode that I’ve had on the brain for a couple of years. The topic is Christmas movies, and the mainline between the two is director Bob Clark, who in 1974 directed the slasher classic, “Black Christmas”, and a decade later, directed the beloved “A […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

This past March, I was accepted to be a member of the Atlanta Film Critics Circle, which was founded in 2017, and looks to “fill a void in the local film community and in the representation of Atlanta’s media on the national stage.” This marks my second local film critic group to be included in, […]

Categories: News, News - General

Hello readers and listeners! We’re wrapping up 2024 with a handful of “Class of 1999” discussions, and this is one I’m delighted to share with you. The film is John Lasseter’s “Toy Story 2”, and joining me is returning guest Darin Lundberg of NostalgiaCast. This was such a wonderful dialogue and experience. You can hear […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast