Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle

Arrangements (Short)

Grade : A- Year : 2008 Director : Joseph Chapman Running Time : 9min Genre : ,
Movie review score

The first thing that struck me about Joseph Chapman’s short film, “Arrangements,” was the black-and-white video photography…for a film made in 2008. I have a feeling a lot of it might have been budgetary restraints, but the truth is, it feels like a fitting aesthetic choice, as well. In the film, three siblings, whose father has just died, are trying to discuss funeral arrangements, but their personalities get in the way of making any real decisions.Mark (Timothy J. Cox) is the one who stayed at home to take care of his parents when their health failed them in their later years, so he has a mindset of being host to Jimmy (Craig Scribner) and Jane (Jill Leithauser) while they talk things out. Jane wants to discuss the arrangements, while Jimmy wants to let things process a bit before decisions are made. When Mark does something that feels within his nature, though, things between the siblings explode, and Mark is just left by himself, to take care of things as he has before. Chapman’s film is a very simple expression of the different ways that different people process grief, but it’s not a simple story. The last moments with Mark, alone, dealing with his responsibilities the way he knows how, are emotional to watch, and beautifully backed by Aimee Mann’s “Wise Up.” The performances Chapman brings out of his actors are a bit rough around the edges at times, especially when tensions arise, but it’s still a moving film to experience for it’s 9 minute running time.

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