Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle

The Omicron Killer

Grade : C Year : 2024 Director : Jeff Knite Running Time : 1hr 38min Genre :
Movie review score

This film is evidently a sequel to a film by Jeff Knite called “The COVID Killer,” and yet, I do not feel the need to go back and watch the first film. Whatever exposition is necessary is cleared up in the first few minutes of this film, and it is obvious from the outset that these films exist as cheap slashers taking advantage of the anxiety over the pandemic. I appreciate the honesty in this, and the absurdity on display in general. This was a more entertaining film than the recent “In a Violent Nature,” which certainly took more chances but also felt like it didn’t do enough with its ideas.

One of the funnier aspects of the Omicron Killer in this film- or, as he’s known, the “Copycat COVID Killer”- is that we don’t really get the impression he’s doing anything to copycat the COVID Killer, or that the COVID Killer had any particular style to emulate, so that this just feels like another guy going on a killing spree in New York. The killer in this film is played by Paugh Shadow, who has no dialogue, and thus, no insight into why he’s doing this. If this is meant to be commentary on how society often puts motivations on mass murderers after the fact, well done, and I don’t care. I enjoyed the silliness of it, all the same.

There are actors in here you will recognize- namely, Bai Ling (“The Crow”), Felissa Rose (“Sleepaway Camp”), Lynn Lowry (“The Crazies”)- but you’d hardly know they were good actors with the way they read the lines in Knite’s screenplay. Again, I almost don’t care- mass killer cults, kids who try to stop the killer, cops who seem wholly inadequate and news anchors who have mental breakdowns on the air are this film’s bread and butter, and I enjoyed watching it. I wouldn’t say it’s good filmmaking, but it’s a good time if you enjoy stupid slashers.

“The Omicron Killer” is almost a parody of slasher films- it even references some of the icons directly- and that is how I think it works best. I don’t know if that was the intent, but Knite makes me think he’s in on the joke. He’s made a fun film, even if I don’t think it’s a good one.

One Response so far.

  1. Joe says:

    You couldn’t review a movie if your life depended on it.

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