Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle


At a typical film festival, there’s only going to be a certain amount of films you can get to. There’s usually multiple venues, there’s showtimes that run parallel to one another, and honestly, if all you do is watch films, I feel like you’re going to drive yourself mad. That is part of why the 2022 Sundance Film Festival was a struggle for me; while I don’t regret covering it […]

Categories: News, News - General

One of the things I love about the Renegade Film Festival is that it has the personality and sense of community of DragonCon, but on a much smaller scale. Don’t get me wrong- the cosplay on display every Labor Day is simply stunning, magnified when thousands of people are doing it, but when you are dealing with a film festival, it’s better to feel as though you’re getting together to […]

Categories: News, News - General

Sonic Cinema Podcast

It’s that time again. Amanda Spears returns to discuss the Oscars and help predict the winners. I also share my 10 Best list for 2023. I hope you enjoy! Episode 149 – Oscar Thoughts with Amanda Spears & Brian’s Top 10 of 2023 Read Brian’s Retrospective on 2023 here. Read Brian’s Thoughts of the 2023 Georgia Film Critics Association Nominees and Winners here. Thanks for listening, Brian Skutle You […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

In the first episode of the podcast in 2024, I bring back Phil Fasso to discuss an actor he has always loved, Joseph Cotten. As we went through George Cukor’s “Gaslight”, Carol Reed’s “The Third Man”, and Alfred Hitchcock’s “Shadow of a Doubt”, we get an idea of his full range as an actor, and wonder further why he feels so underrated. I hope you enjoy! Episode 148 – Discussing […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

Music News

What inspires us to create? Is it a person? An idea? An emotion? An event? A desire to make sense of the world without us? I’m sure I could explore each of these ideas in a truly pretentious and self-indulgent manner that would bore you to tears by saying, “See, he did this.” or “She did that for this reason.” Instead, I’d rather keep the light of this particular sun […]

Categories: News, News - Music

This past Tuesday, Dr. Nickitas Demos from Georgia State University put on the third of four concerts in his annual neoPhonia New Music Ensemble series, and while the program changed unexpectedly before beginning due to technical difficulties, the concert we were treated to was an unmitigated triumph. In my five years of attending Georgia State as a Music Industry/Sound Recording major, Dr. Demos’s neoPhonia concerts were always my favorites to […]

Categories: News, News - Music