Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle


As a podcast commences, you find yourself bringing some of the same people back time and again. It’s not because the podcast is stalling, but because you enjoy their company, and the discussions you have with them. As a guest, I’m always looking for new opportunities to approach film criticism from a different angle, but it’s the same thing, where I’ll explore any options to reconnect with podcasts I enjoyed […]

Categories: News, News - General

At the beginning of 2018, I began the Sonic Cinema Patreon. It was done as an attempt to bring more people to my writing, as well as to give subscribers some special bonuses not on the site. And yes, it was also a chance to try to bring in some revenue from my film writing, which has not really happened over the years. I have a full-time job to fulfill […]

Categories: News, News - General

Sonic Cinema Podcast

To wrap up the 2023 season of the podcast, I’m pleased to bring a different type of guest for a different type of discussion. The subjects are the 1975 and 2004 adaptations of Ira Levin’s The Stepford Wives. The guest bringing the discussion to the podcast is Ella Dawson, a culture critic, blogger and author whom I wanted to have on to get her ideas on the ways movies bring […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

The last few months have been rough in terms of getting podcasts recorded- you’ll notice that November had no episodes released. The truth is, with my new work schedule, as well as my review schedule, it’s hard to watch stuff for the podcast as well. But I hope to get back in the habit for 2024. That said, for now, I’ve got a couple of great episodes to finish up […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

Music News

It should probably go without saying that this year *didn’t* quite go as planned. I was hoping to have this as my breakthrough year creatively, and I was hoping to have more done than I do. Alas, it was not to be. That doesn’t mean this year was a bust however; if anything, it laid a groundwork for things to come. Let’s start off with the big news: my long-in-development […]

Categories: News, News - Music

Another year, another performance of Vince Guaraldi’s classic music for the “Charlie Brown” Christmas special from Atlanta-area artist (and dear friend) Jeffrey Bützer and pianist T.T. Mahoney. This year, Bützer decided put on a couple of performances of the newish Atlanta holiday tradition (it’s only in its third year, but it feels like it’s been around longer) at The Earl: one show Friday night, and one the next night in […]

Categories: News, News - Music