Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle


The 2 1/2 days I spent in downtown Marietta covering the 2020 Women in Horror Film Festival was some of the best times I’ve spent in the midst of genre fans and filmmakers ever, and that includes DragonCon. The atmosphere, the interactions, the creativity were all electric, and helped sustain me when theatres shut down shortly after that, and the COVID pandemic began. I knew I would have to make […]

Categories: News, News - General

I think the next Sundance Film Festival I cover will have to be in person. Yes, there’s much to be said about the comfort of being able to watch films virtually, but it’s not really optimal in terms of being able to structure your film festival when the potential exists to do other things around screenings, and not just writing reviews or doing filmmaker interviews. Maybe because I had to […]

Categories: News, News - General

Sonic Cinema Podcast

In the wake of an episode record needing to be rescheduled for later in the month, I decided to take stock in what has been accomplished with the podcast, and Sonic Cinema, over the years, as well as share some favorites I’ve seen over the past few years. I hope you enjoy! Episode 137 – Personal Reflections Thanks for listening, Brian Skutle You can also listen to the Sonic […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

This ended up being a much deeper discussion than intended, but it is one worth listening to. Sexploitation cinema can mean selling sex for a number of reasons, and in my talk with Jason from Binge Movies, we run the gamut in terms of three of those reasons. Listen to us discuss the state of film criticism before diving into “Beyond the Valley of the Dolls”, “Emmanuelle” and “The Blue […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

Music News

Hello one and all and Happy post-April Fool’s Day. In honor of that, I will try to convince you that I’ve actually made substantial in-roads towards creative expression with a straight face… ….shouldn’t be that hard- I really have. In each of the past two months, I’ve had vacation time to burn that’s allowed me week-long sabbaticals from work, giving me the opportunity to relax, refocus, re-examine, and explore some […]

Categories: News, News - Music

Admittedly, because of my being friends/associates with a couple of the composers on the program, I wasn’t sure at first as to whether I would write a review on this concert, which took place last night at Atlanta’s Eyedrum. But by the time the last note was struck at the end of the program, it was necessary to do so. The show was produced by Mark Gresham, a writer for […]

Categories: News, News - Music