Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle


It’s safe to say that movie theatres are back. My current one has been re-opened since May, and everything seemed prelude to this holiday season, where movies like “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” and “Spider-Man: No Way Home” seemed to signal the return to normal for theatres. Is moviewatching back to normal, though? We received four MCU films this year, and all of them made decent money. As did the new “Fast and […]

Categories: News, News - General

Of all of the filmmakers I’ve gotten to know over the years, Matthew Saliba is probably my one of my 2-3 favorite to talk to over the years. Part of that is because he’s helped me dive head-first into kaiju cinema, but it’s always been interesting to see how he dives into filmmakers and film genres a lot of my other friends and filmmaker friends don’t really watch on a […]

Categories: News, News - General

Sonic Cinema Podcast

One of my early favorites from the 2023 Atlanta Film Festival came from watch Geoff Marslett’s “Quantum Cowboys” ahead of the festival. As a result, I was able to set up some time prior to the film’s screening at the festival to talk with the director and one of his producers, Melodie Sisk, about the film, and it was a great, expansive discussion. I hope you enjoy! Continuing with the […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

Darren Aronofsky has been a bold, and polarizing, filmmaker since he first hit the scene with 1998’s “Pi”. In this episode, I am joined by filmmaker K/XI as we explored Aronofsky’s films, with a particular focus on “The Fountain”, “mother!” and “The Whale”. I hope you enjoy! Episode 132 – Discussing Darren Aronofsky Thanks for listening, Brian Skutle You can also listen to the Sonic Cinema Podcast Below: Apple […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

Music News

So let’s see here, in 2008 America’s elected its’ first African-American president, both a comic book movie (“The Dark Knight”) and an animated film (“Wall-E”) are being talked about as legitimate Best Picture contenders, gas not only hit an all-time high ($4-plus a gallon) but also dropped as far as it went down, and a neo-con MILF moosehunter from Alaska made it onto the Republican undercard as a Vice Presidential […]

Categories: News, News - Music

Hello one and all. It’s been too long since I’ve really been on a significant musical role, but what can I say? Circumstances changing can bring forth great inspiration. Work is bustling on a new album. Well, not new in terms of the idea for it, but in the sense that it hasn’t been released yet. The title will be “Beyond the Infinite: A Musical Odyssey”, and it’s a work […]

Categories: News, News - Music