Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle


Six months into 2021, and one could make the case that moviewatching is getting back to normal. Most of the major movie chains have reopened, markets such as New York and Los Angeles are open for business, and we’ve had at least two films break the hallowed $100 million dollar mark. If it still doesn’t feel normal to return to the movies, however, I would not blame you. COVID is […]

Categories: News, News - General

With the Sonic Cinema Podcast, I’ve strived for it to be more than just me talking about movies and subjects related to movies. In the early years of the podcast, that’s mostly how it was, although I would- occasionally- have friends, and even filmmakers, on, the former to share some of our thoughts on particular movies, the latter to do interviews about their work. At a certain point, though, filmmakers […]

Categories: News, News - General

Sonic Cinema Podcast

As we’ve moved through the podcast, and guesting on podcasts, I’ve realized a lot of what I focus on in terms of these discussions are things and movies that I really want to talk about, and with people I want to talk about them with. We are at that point with a film that is one of my very favorites about the struggle to create. It is Spike Jonze’s “Adaptation.”, […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

Our guest on this episode was actually on the Sonic Cinema Movie Chat back in 2021, and that discussion is what inspired this one. When a lot of people think about “blind buying” movies, they typically think about buying movies they’ve never seen. But if you think you’re going to get greatness, how much of a blind buy is that? We talked more about that on the chat- which is […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

Music News

The time has come for a real update on what’s been happening with me; it’s been many a months, but I’m here to break the silence. Brace yourselves… I’ve been doing a lot of writing recently (actually, for the past year). Mostly it’s been on the reviews front (I’ve been keeping pretty well up with not letting reviews fester), but also I’ve been doing some creative writing. Not just on […]

Categories: News, News - Music

After two years of astonishing productivity, it all came to a halt. In all honesty, there really wasn’t much in 2006 that felt right, least of all in the creative department. We’ll get to that in a moment, however. First of all, I have an announcement. During the summer I submitted the electronic version of my 1999 piece “In a Lonely Place” for consideration for an electronic music concert another […]

Categories: News, News - Music