Sonic Cinema

Sounds, Visions and Insights by Brian Skutle


Over the past few years, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve gotten away from my traditional Oscar coverage, starting with a reaction to the nominations, then with a predictions blog and a wrap-up post awards. Since I have started the podcast, and honestly, become less invested in the Oscars over the years, I’ve basically limited my coverage to an Oscar predictions podcast (where I also unveil my official Top 10 of […]

Categories: News, News - General

One of the first pieces of long-form film criticism I wrote was in an English class in 1997. We were to choose a subject, and build an argument about our thesis statement. This was the same class in which I also wrote about the movie ratings system, but I don’t know if I have the original assignment still. This week, I decided to recreate it with new eyes on the […]

Categories: News, News - General

Sonic Cinema Podcast

We’ve been doing a lot of anniversary episodes over the past several years, including our massive “Class of 1999” series. I don’t think we’ve quite discussed a film this bad when not surrounded by others, though. 2002’s “Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever” feels like a lot of action movies from the time, but is any of that good, though? Joining me to discuss the film is fellow Banana Meter film critic […]

Categories: News, News - Podcast

Another year of in-person Dragon*Con was great. Not without its struggles, but there were plenty of positives, including my first time being a panelist. I hope you enjoy! Episode 116 – Dragon*Con 2022 I also wrote about Dragon*Con for In Their Own League here. Viva La Resistance! Brian Skutle You can also listen to the Sonic Cinema Podcast Below: Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts

Categories: News, News - Podcast