At a typical film festival, there’s only going to be a certain amount of films you can get to. There’s usually multiple venues, there’s showtimes that run parallel to one another, and honestly, if all you do is watch films, I feel like you’re going to drive yourself mad. That is part of why the 2022 Sundance Film Festival was a struggle for me; while I don’t regret covering it […]
One of the things I love about the Renegade Film Festival is that it has the personality and sense of community of DragonCon, but on a much smaller scale. Don’t get me wrong- the cosplay on display every Labor Day is simply stunning, magnified when thousands of people are doing it, but when you are dealing with a film festival, it’s better to feel as though you’re getting together to […]
Sonic Cinema Podcast
To wrap up the 2023 season of the podcast, I’m pleased to bring a different type of guest for a different type of discussion. The subjects are the 1975 and 2004 adaptations of Ira Levin’s The Stepford Wives. The guest bringing the discussion to the podcast is Ella Dawson, a culture critic, blogger and author whom I wanted to have on to get her ideas on the ways movies bring […]
The last few months have been rough in terms of getting podcasts recorded- you’ll notice that November had no episodes released. The truth is, with my new work schedule, as well as my review schedule, it’s hard to watch stuff for the podcast as well. But I hope to get back in the habit for 2024. That said, for now, I’ve got a couple of great episodes to finish up […]
Music News
Just as much as film music, the music of Bruce Springsteen, whether it’s one of his solo albums or with his legendary backing band, the E Street Band, has had a profound impact on me for over two decades now. My first album I ever received that was my own was his iconic 1984 smash, “Born in the U.S.A.,” and though my father would borrow it from time to time […]
Back in 2001, Joss Whedon was a very busy man. He was producing two television shows, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel”, and he was prepping a third one, “Firefly”, for debut in 2002. He was also delving into writing comic books for the first time. That Fall, the first issue of his comic book series, Fray, came out. An eight-issue title, Whedon’s thrilling tale of a future slayer in […]